Monday, December 23, 2019

Joseph's Choice

When Mary turned up pregnant before their wedding day, Joseph had a well-ordered plan to divorce her quietly. His plan would spare Mary additional humility and protect his reputation in the village. But Joseph’s plan gets interrupted in a dream by a messenger from God. The angel tells Joseph to abandon his plan for God’s plan and he does! 

Most of us wish we had an angel telling us what to do. And yet I imagine it wasn’t that simple for Joseph. As we celebrate new birth in Christ and press on toward a New Year, where might God be calling you to interrupt your plans in order to make room for his? If you missed yesterday’s message you can listen to it here.

I look forward to worshipping with you on Christmas Eve at 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, or 9:00 p.m. You can find more information about each service on our website.