Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Why Are You Doing This?

Palm Sunday begins the culminating week of Jesus’ story of salvation. In Mark 11:1-11 Jesus enters Jerusalem as a very different kind of king. Instead of a seasoned warhorse, Jesus rides on a colt “on which no one has ever sat.” (v.2) Instead of armed soldiers flanking Jesus, we see a rag-tag collection of followers who have taken up life with Jesus. Instead of the spoils of war trailing this king, the people put down the very clothes from their backs. Jesus is coming as king, but his kingdom is one where the first are last, where the least are greatest, where those who lead are those who serve, and you lose your life to find it. This is God’s story of salvation that begins this week. 

If you missed yesterday’s message you can listen to it here or watch the entire worship service on our YouTube channel.

Yours for Christ, 

Pastor Steve

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Fiery Snakes

Numbers 21:4-9 is a troubling story of grumbling Israelites and lethal snake bites. After nearly forty years in the wilderness, Israel wants to go back to Egypt. They’re tired of the food, displeased with the beverage choices, and done with God. In response, God sends fiery snakes and the people quickly repent. But rather than take away the serpents, the story ends with God telling Moses to put a snake on a stick as an object for healing. This story is weird, strange, and difficult to understand. But asking three key questions can begin to unlock its meaning. What does this passage say about God? What does it say about me? What does it say about God’s relationship with me? If you’re curious to know how we answered these questions, listen to it here or watch the entire service on our YouTube channel.

Yours for Christ, 

Pastor Steve

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Promise of Rules

What good are rules? We live in a culture that values freedom and autonomy. I like rules that preserve my power and possessions, but dislike rules that cramp my style and spoil my fun! The Ten Commandments are rules designed for my true freedom. They are a gift from a personal God who delivered Israel “out of the house of slavery.” In Christ, I too have been delivered from slavery to every death-dealing power that exploits me. The Ten Commandments are God’s vision for flourishing life by way of loving relationship with God (Commandments 1-4) and with one another (Commandments 5-10).

If you missed yesterday’s messages, listen to it here or watch the entire service on our YouTube channel.

Yours for Christ, 

Pastor Steve