Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Love for the World

Holidays can be challenging when we are confronted with hard-to-know-how-to-love situations. It may be a past hurt, difference in politics, or a lifestyle decision that makes a relationship difficult. We can find ourselves in the same bind that Joseph did in Matthew 1:18-25. He was torn between the just thing to do on the one hand, and the compassionate thing to do on the other. Justice required ending the betrothal, but compassion begged not to put Mary to shame (Matthew 1:19).

Later on in Matthew, Jesus will invite his would-be disciples into a new way of relating that does not pit justice against compassion (see Matthew chapters 5-7). In Jesus’ way of love, God’s justice and compassion are not at odds. God’s love is always just. And God’s love is always compassionate. 

Like Joseph, finding the way of love in our most difficult relationships requires: First, listening for the voice of God (notice Matthew 1:20 where Joseph “considers” his actions allowing space for God to speak). Second, a willingness to be wrong (see Matthew 1:21. Joseph had the wrong plan. Relationships built on love are free to admit mistakes). And third, we must respond in obedience (when God nudges, love responds. Joseph took action when God spoke. See Matthew 1:24). If you missed yesterday’s message you can listen to it here, or watch the entire service on our YouTube channel.

For Christ,

Pastor Steve

Monday, December 5, 2022

Peace for the World

The first Sunday of Advent begins with the end of the story. Isaiah 2:1-5 offers a glimpse into the culmination of human history when God’s goodness and justice puts an end to all earthly conflict. Friends, because we know how the story ends, we can live differently today. We can trust God with our fear, uncertainty, heartache, and difficulty. This is the essence of Christian hope. It’s not wishful thinking - hoping that things might turn out okay. Christian hope is confidence in a future that God has already settled. Because I know who holds tomorrow, I can trust God with today. 

If you missed yesterday’s message you can listen to it here or watch the full service on our YouTube channel.

Yours for Christ,

Pastor Steve