Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Great Commandment


Perhaps you saw the scuffle between two college basketball coaches Sunday afternoon following the game. The kerfuffle between coaches got physical and players from both teams became involved. It’s easy to point fingers and assign blame to the coaches, but mostly it reminds me how difficult it can be to love our neighbors! I was especially attentive to this news story just having preached on Jesus’ Great Commandment Sunday morning (Mark 12:28-34). The truth is, life is full of emotional scrapes and scuffles with our neighbors in the workplace, at school, or on the playing field. What’s brewing inside of us easily bubbles to the surface and often it isn’t pretty. Jesus’ Great Commandment invites us to let God’s love permeate our souls. As God’s love works on our hearts, we’re better able to love our neighbor and ourselves.

For more on this, you can listen to the sermon here or watch it here.

Yours for Christ,

Pastor Steve