Monday, January 25, 2021

Friendship Community

You and I were created in the image of a three-personal God who exists eternally as a tri-unity of relationship; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Being created in the image of a relational God, we are hard-wired for relationships. Genuine and loving connections with one another literally makes us human. To live in isolation and loneliness is de-humanizing. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego formed a friendship community while living in Babylon (Daniel 1:17-21). They prayed for one another, encouraged one another, and together they blessed the world around them. As followers of Jesus, we’re invited to do the same. CLPC is committed to fostering healthy, outwardly Christ-focused friendship communities. Send me an email ( if you’d like to learn more about finding such a connection.

If you missed this weekend’s message, you can listen to it here.

Our Friends-Shape sermon series continues this weekend with a look at Naomi and Ruth: An Intergenerational Friendship. I look forward to worshipping and learning with you.