Tuesday, July 20, 2021



When Jesus’ mini-retreat with the disciples is interrupted by crowds clamoring for his attention, Jesus responds with compassion (Mark 6:34). In fact, throughout Mark’s Gospel, Jesus is continually interrupted by people’s needs. But Jesus never once grumbles, whines, or complains about it. He always responds with compassion. Some people think, ‘Jesus is too busy running the universe to be interrupted with my “little” problem.’ But we can be sure that no matter how big or how small, no matter if the problem is of our own making or of someone else, Jesus will respond with compassion.


Yesterday’s message was all about how Jesus responds to us when we’re in “desolate” places. If you missed the sermon, you can catch it here.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021



Whose opinion of you matters most? For Herod, in Mark 6:14-29, it was the opinion of his party guests that mattered most. When Herod’s birthday bash gets out of hand, he makes a rash promise to give his wife’s daughter whatever she wants. When the girl asks for the head of John the Baptist, Herod is regretful, “but because of his oaths and his guests he did not want to break his word to her.” (Mark 6:26) In other words, Herod was more concerned about his image and reputation than he was about being faithful. However, when we live as though God’s opinion of us matters most, we are free to make mistakes, listen to others, or change our minds. This is an important truth as we increasingly live in an age where being “right” seems more important than being faithful. 


If you missed yesterday’s message you can listen to it here.