Monday, February 10, 2020

Shining with Selflessness

Philippians Chapter Two reminds us that the way we’ll “shine as lights in the world” (vs. 15) is through servanthood and selflessness. In a culture of posturing, bravado, power-grabbing, and name-calling, we’re called to do “nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility [to] count others more significant” (vs. 3). When it comes to our ministry in our local and global neighborhoods, a posture of selfless service means we will 1) seek partnerships more than projects; 2) be quick to listen and learn, and slow with our answers and solutions; and 3) have an attitude of mutual transformation rather than just “helping the needy.”

If you missed yesterday’s sermon, you can listen to it here.

Our series on Philippians entitled “Prepared to Shine: Equipped for Witness in Difficult Places” continues this week with a look at Philippians Chapter Three. I look forward to learning and worshipping with you!

Thursday, February 6, 2020

A "God Sightings" Prayer

The year 2020 at Clear Lake Presbyterian Church is the year of “God Sightings.” We’re looking for God to show up in surprising ways and telling one another when we see that happen. But, we can often miss God sightings if we’re not actively praying for them. That’s why Paul begins his letter to the Philippians with a God sightings prayer (see Philippians 1:9-11). My shorthand version of the God Sightings prayer is this: “Lord, make me alert to what you’re doing around me and in me.” Try praying this prayer multiple times a day and get ready to see evidence of God like you’ve never noticed before!

If you missed yesterday’s message, “Prepared through Prayer,” you can listen to it here.