Three of our greatest human needs are provision, protection, and power. We want to know that we’ll have enough, that we’ll be safe, and that we matter. In Matthew 4:1-11, the Devil tempts Jesus to take these needs into his own hands – to make his own bread (vs. 3), make a spectacular leap (vs. 6), or to grab control of earthly realms (vv. 8-9). In each instance, Jesus resists. Rather than seizing control, Jesus chooses to surrender to God’s loving care. Instead of a weary life of managing outcomes, Jesus chooses a life of responsive obedience.
What outcomes are you trying to manage today? What situations are you trying to control? Jesus invites you to surrender these things to God’s loving care.
If you missed yesterday’s message, you can listen to it here. Or watch the entire service on our YouTube channel.
Yours for Jesus,