Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Invited to See

Everyone sees the man born blind as a problem (see John 9:1-41). The townspeople see a beggar. The Pharisees see a nuisance. The Disciples see a sinner. But Jesus doesn’t see a problem. He sees a person. Jesus sees someone to be loved, healed, pursued, and restored. When I see others the way Jesus sees others, I begin to see myself like Jesus sees me. 

What are you seeing today?

If you missed yesterday’s message, listen to it here or watch the entire worship service on our YouTube channel. 

Seen by Jesus,

Pastor Steve

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Invited to Believe

Believing in a God we can’t see, and following a God whose voice we don’t (often) audibly hear, can be difficult. In noonday heat, at a watering hole near the town of Sychar, Jesus invites a Samaritan woman to believe. Yesterday, I spoke about five ingredients of belief found in this famous story in John 4. Does God feel distant to you today? Are you struggling to believe there is a God who is present and at work in your world? If so, you may find this message helpful. You can listen to it here or watch the entire worship service on our YouTube channel.

Yours for Jesus,

Pastor Steve