Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Life with limits. What's next?

As Craig and Nancy Goodwin spoke this last weekend, I keep thinking about that old 80's song by Sammy Hagar "I Can't Drive 55!" The Goodwin family spent an entire year with self-imposed limits on their consumption. They consumed/purchased only things that were local, used, homemade, or homegrown. Craig has written about their adventure in Year of Plenty. The Goodwins spoke about their experience at CLPC this past weekend.

Craig and Nancy discovered a freedom of connection in their family life, with their neighbors, and in their relationship with God through these limits. It wasn't always fun or easy. But listening to them, you got the clear idea that they would not trade the year for anything. Sammy Hagar "can't drive 55" but we can live within limits - and in doing so we find meaningful connection with our God and with our world.

The season of the church year called Lent is an invitation to live within limits. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday (Feb. 22) and ends on Resurrection Sunday (April 8). For centuries, Christians have used this season to impose self-limits as a means to greater connection with God and others.

What self-imposed limits might you choose this year for Lent? Perhaps something as simple as driving the speed limit (the actual speed limit, that is) or choosing to drive in the slower lane of traffic. Maybe a limit on the amount of time spent with email, Facebook, or watching TV? I'd love to know what ideas you're considering. Post a comment here and join the conversation.

1 comment:

L. Sue Smith said...

Thanks, Steve. I think we need to start somewhere in some way. I am going to think about what I can do during Lent to honor Christ.