Monday, July 15, 2013

embrace | empower | engage

For a couple of years "healthy relationships," "spiritual formation," and "missional engagement" have been the closest thing Clear Lake Presbyterian Church (CLPC) has had to an active mission statement. Aside from being a mouthful to say and not very easy to remember, our "we-care-abouts" (see our website) haven't really expressed what God is calling CLPC to do.

Beginning in May 2013 CLPC leadership (elders and staff) have begun to answer a handful of critical questions that define God's future for our church.

  1. What do we do? (our Mission)
  2. Why do we do it? (our Values)
  3. How do we do it? (our Strategies)
  4. When are we successful? (our Goals)
This is God's answer to the first question (What do we do?). Rooted healthy relationships, spiritual formation, and missional engagement, God is calling CLPC to: embrace, empower, engage. 

  • We are called to embrace every person. Every person we meet is an opportunity to love just like Jesus Christ loved us. The quality of our relationships within the CLPC family and the way we reach out to those beyond our church family are public demonstrations of God’s new Kingdom life on earth. (Romans 12:10-13; John 3:16).
  • We are called to empower every life. In Christ, the Holy Spirit empowers every person’s life for eternity starting with today. Individually and corporately we practice and teach daily dependence on the Spirit. (John 10:10; Matthew 28:19-20; Galatians 5:22-23).
  • We are called to engage every neighborhood. We are agents of God's love and instruments of God's redemption in a hurting and broken world. As the Word incarnate Jesus Christ was sent by the Heavenly Father so we are sent by Jesus into the world. We care about blessing our local and global neighborhoods in practical and loving ways that proclaim the Kingdom of God is at hand. (John 1:14; John 20:21).

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