Monday, April 10, 2017

"no answers" to prayer

After we've prayed for something for a while, it's hard to know if God is denying our request or if God simply hasn't answered yet. How can we know if God is telling us the answer is "no" or if the answer is "not yet?" In these times, I've decided to keep on praying. I'd rather risk praying too long for the 'wrong' thing than give up praying too soon. Those who waved palms when Jesus rode into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11) had prayed long and hard for a ruler to restore Israel to the glory days of King David. As Jesus hung on the cross, however, it looked like the answer was "no." Little did they know, God was getting ready to deliver a big "yes" beyond their wildest dreams. Perhaps what looks like a no answer to your prayer right now is really the precursor to a bigger yes from God.

If you missed yesterday's message, you can listen to it here.

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