Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Grace + Truth + Time


In Luke 13:6-9 Jesus tells a parable about a languishing fig tree. Frustrated with its lack of production, the vineyard owner tells his gardener to “cut it down!” However, the master gardener suggests a different plan. He says, ‘Let me dig around the tree and fertilize it. Then, let’s give it some time.’ Christian author and psychologist Dr. Henry Cloud suggests the gardener’s action plan reflects the way God works to restore languishing places in our life. First, we need God’s truth to dig beneath the surface into the root systems of our soul. Second, we need the unmerited favor of God’s grace to fertilize our hearts. Third, we need to allow God time to work. Grace+Truth+Time. If you missed yesterday’s message, you can catch it here.


I look forward to continuing our sermon series, entitled “A Church that Heals” next week with a look at the importance of relational connection in the process of God’s healing. 

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