Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Abiding with Christ

The Fourth Invitation of Jesus is “Abide with me” (John 15:1-11). This invitation, like the other three, corresponds to a fourth stage of faith which is characterized by complete surrender. In this stage, we surrender our will, our mind, our aspirations, and our abilities more fully in oneness with Jesus. This is only possible as we submit to the Heavenly Father’s pruning (John 15:2). Abiding with Christ comes with two startling promises, according to John 15. First, we get whatever we want! Jesus promises, “Ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”(John 15:7). This isn’t the work of some cosmic vending machine, but rather the fruit of one’s desire fully conformed to Christ. Second, we are promised unbridled joy (John 15:11). Far more than “happiness,” unbridled joy is the fruit of unbridled obedience to Christ.

There are two great scenes in the movie Cast Away, starring Tom Hanks, that illustrate this journey of surrender. In the first scene, Tom Hanks’ character tries leaving the deserted island under the power of his own resolve and with undersized resources (a small rubber raft and a single small paddle). Beaten quickly by the waves however, Hanks returns to the island bruised, bleeding, and defeated. This is what can happen when we try advancing in the Christian life by sheer willpower and with inadequate spiritual equipment (spiritual disciplines). Some 1,500 days later, he tries again. His equipment now is more developed. The small rubber boat has been replaced by a raft of several sturdy logs lashed together. He has two large oars now instead of a single plastic paddle. In the end however, it is only when Hanks stops rowing, hoists a makeshift sail, and surrenders to the wind, that he is finally carried into the freedom of the open sea.

As long as our spiritual equipment consists only of a few Bible verses and an occasional quick prayer, we can never hope to experience the open sea of abiding with Christ. We must cultivate sturdier spiritual equipment and actively surrender to God’s work (pruning) in our lives to move into the deep. If you missed Sunday’s message, you can listen to it here or watch the entire service on YouTube. Also, below are links to the aforementioned scenes from Cast Away.



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