Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Healed by Jesus - Our Hands

When Jesus entered the room, she was lying down sick with a fever. After Jesus left, she arose and the sickness was gone. The change began when Jesus touched her hand (Matthew 8:15). The story of Peter’s mother-in-law serves as a metaphor for Jesus’ healing touch on our lives. Sin is the disease, says Scripture, with which we’re all infected. In our sickness, we use our hands to push people away in fear and distrust. With our hands, we grasp for things and people to fill up what is lacking inside. With our hands, we point at others casting blame and shame. When we put our hands into the hands of Jesus, his healing touch begins to cure us. Our hands are set free, just like Peter’s mother-in-law, to live a life of gratitude and service in the name of Jesus.

If you missed yesterday’s message on Matthew 8:14-17, you can listen to it here or watch the entire service on our YouTube channel.

Yours for Christ,

Pastor Steve

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