Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Reversing Babel

One way of understanding the story of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-21) is that it reverses Babel (Genesis 11.) The Babel story was about exclusion (building a fortress to keep others out) but the story of Pentecost is about inclusion (all the nations of the earth hear the message of God’s salvation.) The Babel story was about making a name for itself (read Genesis 11:4!) but the Pentecost story is about making a name for Jesus. The Babel story was about a place, but the Pentecost story is about a people (cf. Acts 2:42-47.) 

Wanna know more about how you and I can live the Pentecost story? Listen to the full message here or watch the entire worship service on our YouTube channel.

Yours for Christ, 

Pastor Steve

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