Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Loneliness and the Church

James 1:2 says, “Count it all joy, my sisters and brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.” Loneliness is a trial that many people face. However, we learned yesterday from Robin Johnson (CLPC’s Director of Mental Health Ministry and Adult 55+ Ministry) that while loneliness is a common emotion, “it is not normal.” As ones created by God for connected relationship, we’re not designed to endure loneliness. Robin encouraged us to “pay attention to the quality of our [existing] connections” and to foster new connections. Robin invited us to join her very own Project UnLonely by being “Illuminators” to those we meet. Illuminators pay attention to others with healthy, loving curiosity. Illuminators meet others with a friendly smile, a verbal greeting, or compliment.

If you missed yesterday’s message, or would like to learn more about Project UnLonely, you can listen to the podcast here or watch the entire worship service on our YouTube channel.

Yours for Christ, 

Pastor Steve

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