Monday, August 4, 2008

Scripture Memory

After this week’s message perhaps some of you we’re encouraged to step up a notch (or start for the first time) your Scripture memory. Maybe this is a place we could share with one another what works and give suggestions.

I suggested beginning with Psalm 23. This is one of those passages that most people have a pretty good feel for but don’t actually have memorized. If you’re new at this whole deal, make sure that you’re memorizing Scripture from a readable translation. The Bibles in the pews at our church ( are the New International Version (NIV). On the continuum between readability and literal translation, NIV falls more to the readable. On the literal translation end, the New American Standard Bible is very hard to beat. Striking a balance between literal and readable are the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) and the New King James version. The NRSV is also a translation that uses gender inclusive language for humanity.

After choosing a good translation, I often type the passage I’m memorizing. Of course, repeating the passage out loud, over and over, is a good practice. For a while I carried a small pocket size Bible in my car that I could whip out while waiting in traffic or at a stoplight. Be sure to practice you Scripture memory out loud with a friend or family member. It’s one thing to have it memorized ‘to yourself.’ It’s another to be able to recite it out loud in front of another person – that’s when I know I really have it down.

Here’s my last suggestion. Use those awake at night times as an opportunity to work on Scripture memory rather than watching TV or checking your email. There’s nothing better than falling asleep with the life-giving words of Scripture bouncing off the walls of your brain!

What works for you?


Anonymous said...

Our small group is studying 1 John and we figured a good set of verses to memorize were 1 John 1:5 - 2:2. Lot of meat in those few verses.

Anonymous said...

I like the TNIV better than any that I have used in recent years. It reads (I think) better than the NRSV, and also uses gender neutral language where appropriate.