Friday, September 26, 2008

Today I'm thinking about how hurricanes come in all shapes and sizes... Thankfully, our house all but completely escaped permanent damage from Ike. We had the usual tree limbs and brush in our yard. And we were without electricity for about a week. But in the end, it was not that big of a deal.

A few weeks before, another hurricane of sorts blew through my life. Preaching Sunday morning I found myself unable to concentrate on the words in front of me. After fumbling for a short time I invited the choir to go on without me and sing a few hymns. Just then, a thoughtful and gracious church member sprung out of her pew and whisked me off to the hospital ER. It could have been a stroke, a TIA, or some sort of neurological disorder. I spent two nights in the hospital and endured a battery of tests only to discover that what I've been experiencing is the somewhat rare condition of pain free migraines. I get all the common symptoms, but never get the throbbing head-ache. Weird huh? Hurricane blew through... I experienced a few loose branches, but in the end the house was secure.

I've been reading Jesus' "Talk on the Mount" (Matthew 5-7) every day. On most days, when I can find a quiet, out of the way corner in the house, I've been reading Jesus' Talk out loud. It's amazing what I pick up when I allow myself to hear Jesus' words rather than just reading them in my head. I've been struck with two things. First, there's a persistent repetitive promise that the Heavenly Father will give us what we need. He knows what we need and gives it to us freely and continually. He doesn't give us stones when we ask for bread. We ask the Heavenly Father and we receive. We knock, the Heavenly Father answers. The other part of Jesus' talk that keeps after me is this stuff about doing and practicing Jesus' words. He starts his talk with it and ends it there. 'Anyone who keeps these commands and teaches others to do the same will be called great in the kingdom...' And then in Jesus' conclusion he talks about the wise person who 'hears these words... and puts them into practice...' Jesus says this person will be like a person in a hurricane (my word) whose house doesn't blow over.

My physical house didn't receive any real damage from Hurricane Ike. My physical body seems to be pretty well in tact following my hurranical (is that a word?) Sunday episode that landed me in the hospital. But I've gotta confess. Hurricanes mess with my life! They blow again the house of my heart and their winds beat against the walls of my soul. But if Jesus is right, there's a way of making my life in his Way that will stand up to hurricanes. A Way that will not only bless me, but will bless my family, my neighbors and the world I live in.

So, I'm giving it a 'go.' I'm strapping on my sandals and am trying to follow as close as I can in the dust of Jesus' path.


Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,

I love the analogy of strapping on a pair of sandles and following in t hedust of Jesus' path. That's just what I will try to do too.

Anonymous said...


When you are trying to follow in the dust of Jesus path. Just remember people come and go in people life to show how Jesus lives and practices in his way for a reason
"Trust the Lord with all your heart” Proverbs 3:5


Anonymous said...


It is so difficult for me to call a pastor by his first name, but after being a Presbyterian since 1993, I am gradually getting used to it. I was born Catholic and attended Catholic school for 12 years. And of course on Sundays the Catholic priests that conducted the mass were always Father So& So. Now I just strap on a pair of sandals and try to follow Jesus'path, no matter how rough it sometimes becomes. And as you get older, it sometimes gets real rough!

Anonymous said...

Last summer before Tim left, he preached on the same topic. He made the comment that students of rabbis during Biblical times wanted to follow so closely in the rabbi's steps that they would have the rabbi's dust on their robes. Thanks for reminding me of what was a great sermon. If you haven't listened to it, I'm sure it was on tape. Wish I could remember the title, but I've slept since then.