Thursday, October 30, 2008

Intimacy Gone Wild

Recently our church hosted a mini-weekend on relationships called Intimacy Gone Wild. Our speakers were Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn, authors of "For Women Only" and "For Men Only," among others.

I don't know about you, but there was stuff Shaunti and Jeff said during the mini-weekend that pegged me perfectly. Like the bit about how Shaunti would put books about relationships on Jeff's nightstand only to see them pile up unread and gather dust. Guilty as charged.

However, I appreciated Jeff and Shaunti debunking the myth that women are good at relationships and men are not. The truth is both women and men hunger to connect and we both find ourselves lacking. This is part of the wildness of true intimacy though, right? Intimacy that is worth anything is fraught with risk, danger, and adventure. Unfortunately, too many relationships settle for "good enough."

"Good enough" was never God's design for human intimacy. God made us for the kind of wild intimacy found within God's tri-unity of relationship (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Take a look at the storyline of the Bible and you'll see the interplay between the three persons of the Trinity is filled with creative depth, risk, adventure and love.

I don't want an "okay" marriage, or "pretty good" friends. I want a marriage and friendships that are wild with God's intimacy and goodness.

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