Sunday, May 15, 2011

Youth Sunday Bragging

May I brag for a moment about my congregation? Today was Clear Lake Presbyterian Church's annual "Youth Sunday." This is the weekend that youth take over and lead all the parts of the worship service. This includes the call to worship, offering, sermon, and of course, the music. I have to admit, I always sort of hold my breath when it comes to youth Sunday, especially at our traditional 11:15 worship service. Our 11:15 worshippers are used to organ, choir, hymns, and clergy robes. But on youth Sunday they get drums, guitar praise choruses, and jeans!

Once again, my congregation proved no reason to hold my breath. When the youth band started into their second song ("Marvelous Light" by Charlie Hall) I could hear the eighty-five year old gentleman behind me singing along. It was obvious he'd never heard the song before – but he was sure giving it his best shot, singing as loud as he knew how; "Your love it beckons deeply, a call to come and die. By grace now I will come And take this life, take your life…"

I began to weep.

The more he sang the more I could not.

I was too choked up.

You see, somewhere lodged deep in the DNA of the oldest members of this precious congregation is an awareness that faith is to be passed on. Our faith in Christ only makes sense if it is given away to the next generation just like it was given away to us. Our oldest members are pleased to have teenagers leading worship because they recognize in these kids' newfangled songs and unfamiliar music is the same old familiar gospel. Faith is being passed on. It's taking root. Jesus is changing lives. Still. And that's something worth bragging about.

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