Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I just finished listening to Pastor Rachel's message from this weekend (http://clpc.org/media.php?pageID=20). "The world doesn't need more good intentions," Rachel said. "The world needs a power that can transform it." That power is available in Jesus Christ who is establishing God's Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. As Jesus followers, we are citizens of this new Kingdom and that often makes us odd to the world around us. As the old King James Bible puts it, we are "a peculiar people." (1 Peter 2:9, Titus 2:14.)

Many of you have taken up the 10/10 challenge for 2013. You're spending 10 minutes every day in Scripture and 10 minutes every day in prayer. Some are using online resources like www.youversion.com on your smartphones. Others, who've already had a pattern of daily prayer and Scripture, are taking this  challenge to go even deeper. Many of you have taken up the challenge not to miss a weekend of worship in 2013. I look forward to hearing of all the places around the country and world that CLPCers will be worshipping this year! Weekly and daily worship are critical to our being formed by Jesus Christ and his Kingdom kind of living.

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