Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Needing One Another

In the face of abundance, the rich man in Luke 12:13-21 tore down his barns and built bigger ones. The man's foolishness was not his greed, his wealth, or even his planning for the future. It was his lack of relationship. Riches lured him to the illusion that he needed no one.

Material blessings spoil in the absence of community and genuine community requires sharing. It involves giving and receiving; loaning and borrowing; blessing others and allowing others to bless us. Look for an opportunity this week to bless someone from your abundance. But also look for an opportunity to put yourself in the vulnerable position of having a need that someone else could meet. There's nothing foolish about that kind of living!

If you missed last weekend's message you can listen to it here, or watch the Facebook live event here.

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